Pahiyas of Lucban, Quezon: The Overloaded festivity of Southern Luzon

Given the opportunity and time to travel with cool people, it will be a pleasure on my part. Ahead of time, my office-mate Sheen invited me and our other team mates to experience the famous Pahiyas in Lucban, Quezon.

Pahiyas Festival is celebrated every 15th day of May for good harvest dedicated for their patron saint, San Isidro Labrador. According to some oral and written record, the said event started in early 1500. In present time, the festivity captures the attention of tourist and travelers alike to see and experience unique features of Pahiyas. Every year, the organizers of the said event select certain route in the town proper for the parade. The event includes, the best designed and decorated house [main contest], Bikas Gayak [Best dress made in organic/raw materials] and Pancit Habhab Feista-val along side with marching bands and majorette. To sum up, the year’s theme is Grabo Lucban that pertains to the colorful fair of Pahiyas.